Thursday, November 02, 2017

And God Created Spurgeon...

I have held original sermon notes in my hands. I "broke" into the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London with another pastor. I am a few volumes away from a complete set of 63. I have Passmore and Alabster copies of the Sword and Trowel. I have read countless biographies. I thought I knew all things Spurgeon, So imagine my surprise when I found out that "lost sermons" had been discovered. I couldn't pre-order fast enough. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally opened the box and beheld this beautiful first volume: The Lost Sermons of C. H. Spurgeon Volume I: His Earliest Outlines and Sermons Between 1851 and 1854. These are the earliest sermons (or should I say expanded outlines - Spurgeon was an extemporaneous preacher) by the boy preacher before he became world renowned as the "Prince of Preachers." Even in these stumbling first words you could see the genius that was to come. Covering about 76 sermon shells, you can see the passion and spiritual depth that was to be. Each one has a photograph of the original outline, coupled with explanatory notes and other historical content. Many of these could be taken by a preacher today and turned into powerful exposition. I absolutely love this volume and look forward to the others in the series. if you are a fan of Spurgeon or just great preaching this is a much purchase!

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