Thursday, November 17, 2005

Faith Under Fire - Literally!

From the Gospel for Asia website:

More than 60 new believers in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh are being threatened with death if they refuse to renounce their faith and convert back to Hinduism. Radical Hindu extremists in their area of North India have threatened to murder those who do not return to their former religion.

On November 4, a visiting Believers Church pastor was attacked and severely beaten by a group of militants who threatened his life. Now the same group says they will conduct a puja (ritual) on November 20 to forcefully convert the Christians in the church, pastored by GFA native missionary Ramesh Masih Battih, back to Hinduism. In a threat reminiscent of the brutal murder of missionary Graham Staines and his two children by the same kind of fundamentalists in Orissa, they said they would burn alive any who do not renounce their new faith.

Let us lift up our brothers and sisters in prayer asking that God would protect them from this threat and give them the strength they need to be bold in their witness.

For more information on the persecution of Christians worldwide check out this blog.

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