Thursday, September 01, 2005

Helping Our Brothers and Sisters

One of the things I love most about this country is our willingness to step up when people are in need. We did it on 9/11, we reached out to the victims of the tsunami and we are doing it now for our brothers and sisters who have been traumatized by Katrina.

Michelle Malkin has provided helpful links to show how we are helping each other in the aftermath of Katrina's fury.

Of particular note is the work being done by Chuck Simmins over at Americans Aiding Americans to keep track of what private individuals, corporations and other entities are doing to help in real dollars. His last update is at $45,306,000 donated. Lets all do our part to help that number grow!

Instapundit is gathering links to various aid organizations on his site. Check it out and find one or two that you can get involved with.

Members of my denomination the Reformed Church in America can donate through Reformed Church World Service.

Here is a button to donate there. Donate

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