Thursday, August 18, 2005

Martyn Lloyd-Jones on Faith and Politics

Tom Ascol, director of the Founders Ministries has been writing some very perceptive articles on the current "crisis" in the evangelical community in regard to the role of the church in politics. Some of his insights can be found on his blog and I encourage you to read them.

I just wanted to point out something he found from Martyn-Lloyd Jones on the subject that really says what I feel should be the guiding light not just for evangelicals, but for Christians of both sides of the spectrum. (Its funny that Christians on the left are not squeamish about using politics to further their ends, but decry the right when they do so.) Both both sides arre wrong here and should heed the words of Lloyd Jones and consider where should our focus be?

Martyn Lloyd-Jones in an interview with Carl Henry in 1980 said, "It amazes me that evangelicals have suddenly taken such an interest in politics." He went on to call such interest "sheer folly.... You can't reform the world. That's why I disagree entirely with the 'social and cultural mandate' teaching and its appeal to Genesis 1:28. It seems to me to forget completely the Fall. You can't Christianize the world. The end time is going to be like the time of the Flood. The condition of the modern world proves that what we must preach more than ever is 'Escape from the wrath to come!' The situation is critical. I believe the Christian people--but not the church--should get involved in politics and social affairs. The kingdom task of the church is to save men from the wrath to come by bringing them to Christ. This is what I believe and emphasize. The main function of politics, culture, and all these things is to restrain evil. They can never do an ultimately positive work. Surely the history of the world demonstrates that. You can never Christianize the world" (Christianity Today, February 8, 1980, pp. 33-34).

Sound advice from a wise man of God that we should heed to our benefit and the greater glory of God and His kingdom.

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